
Posts Tagged ‘dogs in hot cars’

Do you know which states have laws against leaving a dog in a hot car?

April 21, 2013 35 comments

oven_new1Even though it may not feel like it here in Minnesota, spring is coming, and with it comes warmer temperatures. Many of us already know that leaving a dog in a hot car is dangerous. We have all seen the stories that usually accompany this time a year… “Two dogs dead after being left in hot car“, “Police sergeant rescues dog locked in hot car“, “Police Are Cracking Down on Dumb Dog Owners in Heatwave.”

But did you know that in several states it is illegal to leave your dog in a car?  There are 14 states – Arizona, California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia, that currently have statutes “that specifically prohibit leaving an animal in confined vehicle“.

The penalties range from monetary fines to being charged with a misdemeanor, and in some states, it even includes imprisonment. The Animal Legal and Historical Center website contains a list of the states with laws and what penalties apply. They even lay out what is allowed/not allowed in those states when it comes to rescuing an animal left in a car.

For instance, in Minnesota, the statute states:

“A peace officer, a humane agent, a dog warden, or a volunteer or professional member of a fire or rescue department may use reasonable force to enter a motor vehicle and remove a dog or cat which has been left in the vehicle in violation.

 A person removing a dog or a cat under this subdivision shall use reasonable means to contact the owner.

 If the person is unable to contact the owner, the person may take the dog or cat to an animal shelter.”

Don’t see your state on the list? That doesn’t mean there are no laws in your state. Many local city and county governments have ordinances covering this issue. Owners may want to know this information, not only for their own benefit, but also for those situations in which they see another owner’s dog in distress and don’t know what to do. You can read more on this issue here.

Just as a reminder on how hot a car can get, I am sharing this blog post by my friend by Julie at The Daily Dog Blog. She has a cool infographic that you can print out and share with your friends. I’m thinking I just may make a few copies and keep them in my car so I can hand them out when I see a dog left in a car.


September 2, 2010 13 comments


Two recent news items in Minnesota make it clear that it bears repeating… Hot cars are no place for a dog. Windows cracked, windows open, sunroof open, shady spot, checking on dog occasionally – none of these will save your dog if you choose to leave it in a hot car.

I watched this on the evening news Tuesday night and was shocked, appalled, and… MAD. Here was a guy who left his four month old Akita in the car while he went to the state fair for 4 hours (in 90+ degree heat) and he was outraged that animal control confiscated the dog. Really?

Then there is our own Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Mark Dayton, who left his two black German Shepherds in his hot car for 40 minutes (in the shade) while he conducted business at the state capitol. The temp that day was in the 90’s and it was humid. Luckily, the dogs were okay. Sadly, the media wasted a real chance to educate people on the dangers of dogs in hot cars.

So I thought maybe if people understood what really happens to a dog when it is locked in a hot car they will change their ways. So here goes…If you leave your dog in a hot car, here is what will happen:

– First, your dog will develop hyperthermia. Hyperthermia occurs when your dog’s body temperature elevates above the generally accepted normal range (body temperatures above 103° F/39° C are abnormal) – like what occurs when you dog is left in a hot car.

-As your dog’s body temperature rises, he will begin to pant heavily and he will start to sweat through the pads of his feet This is his body’s attempt to get his core body temp back to a normal range (100-102.5°F).

If he is left to wait in your hot car:

– His body will then start to direct his blood to his core organs (guts, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) and away from outside (brain, limbs, etc.) in an attempt to help him. At this point your dog is in heat stress. He is getting weak and possibly dizzy. He may start to vomit. His body is starting to go into shock.

If your dog remains in your hot car at this point, he will go into heat stroke:

– Now his internal organs are starting to cook. He may start having convulsions. He may also start jumping around the car as if he is happy. He is not. He is in a panic. This is his last ditch effort to save himself, because his body is starting to shut down.

– Lastly, fluid will fill his lungs causing him to have trouble breathing. He will start to gasp for air as his body shuts down.

– He is dead.

– Time all of this took to happen? 10 minutes. That’s it. 10 MINUTESin a hot car.

– When your dog goes into heat stroke, you are past the point of no return. There is very little a vet or anyone else can do to save him.

– Sadly, you could have saved him by not leaving him in a hot car. But, you didn’t. Now you not only have to live with the guilt of leaving your dog in your hot car, but also the knowledge of how your dog died. It was painful. It was lonely. It was unnecessary.


Don’t leave your dog in a hot car.


10 minutes is not a long time.

Your decision may save your dog’s life.

For more information, go to My Dog Is Cool. This website has lots of good information and links to data demonstrating how quickly a car heats up whether you have the windows down or windows cracked open.

Share it with your friends. Maybe it will save one dog’s life.

Note: A personal thank you to Dr. Shawn Finch, D.V.M. and Dr. Daniel Beatty, D.V.M for their time and assistance in making sure the description of what happens in a hot car was medically accurate. I am indebted to you for your help!