
Posts Tagged ‘animals stories’

Wednesday Winner: The Dog Who Healed a Family

July 21, 2010 Leave a comment

This week’s Wednesday Winner is a book. A really good one.

It’s called, “The Dog Who Healed a Family: And Other True Animal Stories That Warm the Heart and Touch the Soul”.


Written by Jo Coudert, The Dog Who Healed a Family, is a collection of short stories exploring the relationship between people and their pets. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and, often times, inspirational, The Dog Who Healed a Family is an easy read. As a busy small business owner, I was able to pick it up, read one story, and come back later to read another.

While all the stories are well-written and interesting, a few really captured my heart:

The Puppy Express – I won’t lie. This one had me tearing up. It is at once heartbreaking and heartwarming. A family’s elder dog must find a way home across immeasurable odds. It will renew your faith in the power of people and what they can do when they work together.
I Love You, Pat Meyers – Bird videos can be quite funny to watch, especially when they mimic us silly humans. This story is no different. Pat and her bird, Casey, become quite the pair after Pat becomes laden with an illness and the after-affects. I dare you to not laugh out loud at this story. I did. Several times.
An Experiment in Love – This is a wonderful story about a woman, named Livy, who chooses to give a kitten (Boston) a little more love and attention than the others in the litter. Read and see what happens. A hint? Love is a mighty, powerful thing.
The Pig Who Loved People – People often think of cuddly cats and dogs when they think of a pet, but Pigger proves that pets can come in all shapes and sizes. A great story about an amazing pig and how he used his smarts to impress.
The Good Shepherd – An amazingly touching story about a mom and a shepherd named Grizzly who brought light and joy to the lives of many a sick child. Who knew this was the beginnings of the Good Shepherd Association? Truly a beautiful story.

I also loved Jo’s exploration of people’s pure love for pets and their pure love for us in the Afterword. Her thoughts on why we love our pets so much are “right on” in my book!

That’s why this week’s Wednesday Winner is The Dog Who Healed a Family by Jo Coudert.